Музикално предизвикателство

Музикално предизвикателство

3 клас
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  • Нека да изслушаме песента: "Веселите ноти" и да преговорим какво научихме по музика тази година.
  • Свържете нотите с тяхното наименование
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
  • Image for quiz
    Хор наричаме:
    припев на песен
    група певци
    група музикални инструменти
  • Свържете изображенията с техните наименования.
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
  • народни инструменти
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
    класически инструменти
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
  • Image for quiz
    Как се нарича човекът, който ръководи оркестъра?
  • Посочете солиста на снимката
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Свържете танците със съответната схема
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
  • Image for quiz
    Коя от изброените песни е лазарска?
    "Седнало е Джоре"
    "Лазаря ходи низ село"
    "Приказен сън"
  • Оцветете рисунката
    Image on which participants will draw, thus giving answers
  • Отбележете с кръг как оценявате вашия успех на теста
    Image on which participants will draw, thus giving answers
  Try it out

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